Mature Cheddar and Ham Pizza!
Hello Reader.
You may be wondering why I am posting again just one day after my previous post,
It's National Pizza Day!
Yes, today is National Pizza Day and I wanted to celebrate myself (as a huge fan of the bread based pizza this is right up my street). However, note the name- it is national pizza day not international pizza day so I decided to take the traditional Italian pizza and make it more well, English. To do this I swapped mozzarella and Parma ham for good old sliced ham and mature cheddar.
Of course, you could use any old topping you wish-it's purely down to personal choice. Similarly, you could swap the tomato sauce with passata for a quicker option.
I have used a quick pizza base recipe as it only needs one prove which makes it easy to make.
For the base:
250g strong white flour
7g fast action dried yeast
1tbsp olive oil
1 small garlic clove, crushed
1/2tsp salt
150-175ml warm water
For the Sauce:
1tbsp tomato puree
400g can chopped tomatoes
2tbsp chopped/dried basil
1tsp caster sugar
salt and pepper
Make the dough by putting all of the ingredients into a bowl (making sure that the salt and garlic are on the opposite side of the bowl to the yeast and mix to combine and form a dough. Knead the dough for 10 minutes until smooth and stretchy. Prove the dough in a warm place for 1-1 1/2 hours.
To make the sauce put all of the ingredients into a saucepan and bring to the boil, simmer for 30 minutes until thickened.
Preheat an oven to 240C/220 fan/gas8 and put a baking tray into the oven to get hot.
Knock the dough back and punch it into a circular shape and move onto a sheet of baking paper. Cover with the sauce and then your chosen toppings and place on the hot baking tray.
Cook for 12-15 minutes until crispy an well baked.
After writing this post I have just realised that this will be useless if you want to celebrate National Pizza Day but enjoy your pizza anyway!
The Food Kid